We Do Like to Talk……..

Minutes: 0 – 6:02

As we were beginning our 4th episode I was sure we were going to do better about keeping it to a reasonable length.

However, as we began to get into what defines PosEcon, talking with our guest as to how Technology is defining our behavior and discussing what we can’t understand these days – well, suffice it to say, we ran long.

As always we do hope breaking into sections will make it easier to listen to and it is summertime so maybe you’ll all have a little more time anyway…..

PosEcon In Action

Minutes: 6:05 – 17:05

We’re going to be using this section to provide our listeners with more detail into the ‘Values’ and ‘Operating Assumptions that define PosEcon so the ideals of posiconism are more easily understood for our listeners.

Before we get into those details we still want to make sure to point out examples of posicon activities that we’ve seen of late. This episode I’m talking about how malls are being converted into new community living spaces. I specifically mention a project outside of Seattle which you can read about here: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-06-30/a-case-for-turning-empty-malls-into-housing

Dave brings us to the UK to discuss how this pandemic has brought out the best in people to support the UK’s FareShare program. You can read about them and help (if you choose by following this link: https://fareshare.org.uk/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwpNr4BRDYARIsAADIx9zRea-LRP2Tv5LwMNhZ2kCZhKhULSdRAZnocan_VmIu-oqNBI_HoBAaAiPIEALw_wcB

Then we began our discussion into PosEcon’s underlying values and operating assumptions. We start with just a couple of each and will be sharing the rest in our upcoming episodes, so stay tuned..

Talking tXo with Eli James

Minutes: 17:10 – 55:01

We were very lucky to have Eli join us for the rest of the show – guests really bring the discussion to a new level and we’re so thankful for their time.

So Eli is the cofounding partner of ‘The tXo Initiative’ (http://www.txoinitiative.com) a PosEcon initiative that focuses on seeking harmony between technological and socio-economic growth, so really the perfect person to be Talking tXo with. You can learn more about Eli from her LinkedIn profile (http://linkedin.com/in/elijames1) and I’m sure she’d love to hear from you.

We began by talking about social media and the problems with Twitter censorship, FB not censuring and TikTok just taking over everything. They are complicated issues and looked at from 3 different generations; we hope you’ll give us some feedback and share your thoughts.

Then we moved into a discussion on AI and the replacement of human contact with artificial social bots and what the pandemic has brought us. It’s hard to believe that we might be giving up human contact for social bots, or is it? Have a listen and let us know…..

Can We Look at It This Way?

Minutes: 55:05 – 1.17:35

So in keeping with our listeners feedback and with our underlying need to be POSITIVE, we have renamed this section to a more hopeful question that doesn’t besmirch the rest of humanity…..

The conversation moves around a number of issues from influencers and lobbyists to data mining and taxation so just have a listen and let us know what you think, because we do want to hear from you.

These are not simple questions and we need to have a conversation around them because they will affect all of us on a global level..

We close here with the question: When is it real?

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